"May you LIVE all the days of your life" - J. Swift

Monday, March 30, 2009

Bonjour! Guten morgen!

I made it to the land where the y's and z's are transversed on the kezboard, so don't mind the spelling errors.  We arrived safelz, without problems and have had manz good blessings in our european adventure so far.  I can't believe we've alreadz done so much.  Our second night we didn't have a hotel in Munich where we were so we booked ourselves on the overnight sleeper train to Paris.  Our mothers must be prazing for us because instead of sleeping in the assigned compartment with 4 strangers of varzing ages and genders, the conductor put us into our own compartment.  We became friends with him and he gave us the same arrangements on last night's train back.  Now we are in Austria readz to do the sound of music tour and visit other parts of Austria.  What an adventure!  It has been awesome!


MEB said...

I am SO glad you guys are having so much fun! I can't wait to hear how you liked the Sound of Music tour. Eat lots of yummy food for me! I miss the food in Europe!

Laura said...

"Jealous" is all I can say. The end.