"May you LIVE all the days of your life" - J. Swift

Monday, July 19, 2010


renaissance n. A rebirth or revival

July 8th I got the welcome call/offer to work at Renaissance Academy. I'm going to be a 5th grade teacher (my #1 pick for grade) at what feels like a fantastic charter school about 20 minutes/13 miles from my house, so not too bad. I'm very excited, and a bit nervous as well. I'll likely be spending the next month doing little besides preparation and school. Here's my classroom, complete with zebra print desk.

By the way, I finish my master's degree August 11th... also highly exciting.

Monday, July 5, 2010

TdU continues... in Logan

Bluebird +

Tour de Utah continued Saturday with a trip to Logan during which, for the first time, I hiked the USU famous Wind Caves hike and went to the Bluebird Restaurant and Candy Shop. Most who have lived in Logan would find it pretty surprising that I had never been to the Bluebird most of all. Including me... But I loved it! The building was awesome. It has the perfect, old-time classy feel, like you stepped back in time to a restaurant where they were going to open it up for ballroom dancing after the meal. There is an office upstairs that overlooks the restaurant to the west, and has a great view of the outside via the large windows to the east. Prime office location. The food was great for the rather low prices they charge ($7 for a large, complete meal that would feed most with leftovers for the next meal... I had leftovers and I even split my meal with Connie). I don't know why it took me so long to make it there.

The hike was also very cool. It was about 3.5 miles roundtrip, and not too strenuous. We saw a couple snakes due to the tall grasses being an inviting place for snakes and also making enough noise when animals and reptiles moved that it made them easier to spot. Here is one that came out into a more conspicuous spot so it could get its picture taken.

The wind caves are a lot less cave, and a lot less made from wind, and more they are arches made from water erosion. (Who named them???) Though not caves, it was still quite a destination with an amazing view. The main sound I heard: cows. Yeah, mooing incessantly from over the top of the mountain. We couldn't see them, but they were not hiding their voices in the least. Below are a few pictures from the hike.

Friday, July 2, 2010


It's done... I have a new roof. I haven't completely cleaned up yet due to the fact that not everything fits in my garbage can, but everything up top is done except some gutter clean out, so it's definitely at project end. Below are the before, during and after pictures. I know, I know... It looks the same. Humor me. Tell me it's the best looking roof you've ever seen. I deserve it. I've worked hard. :) It was actually cool to learn how it's all done. I've learned so much that I never really wanted to know, but it's a good thing. And I am hoping, wishing, and crossing my fingers that this is the last big repair or high cost item I'll need for my house for a very, VERY,... (did I say very?) long time. Like, never again in this house would be perfect.

BEFORE (This one was actually taken before I even moved in... so 5 years ago, before a couple trees that did a great job of masking the ugly chimney died)


YES! I have time back for things besides roofing. All is well.