"May you LIVE all the days of your life" - J. Swift

Monday, July 19, 2010


renaissance n. A rebirth or revival

July 8th I got the welcome call/offer to work at Renaissance Academy. I'm going to be a 5th grade teacher (my #1 pick for grade) at what feels like a fantastic charter school about 20 minutes/13 miles from my house, so not too bad. I'm very excited, and a bit nervous as well. I'll likely be spending the next month doing little besides preparation and school. Here's my classroom, complete with zebra print desk.

By the way, I finish my master's degree August 11th... also highly exciting.


Mary Ann Carlile said...

Awesome! So excited for you! I love the desk too;)

Watson said...

Congrats!! You'll do great!

Marinda said...

that is very exciting! wow, a masters degree! congrats!

MEB said...

Congratulations Cheryl! I am SO happy for you! You are going to be a great teacher! Hello...your masters degree! Why didn't I realize you were done in August!?! That is awesome!