"May you LIVE all the days of your life" - J. Swift

Monday, September 28, 2009

I love autumn!

It's nice to take a little time to enjoy the great outdoors. But this first picture was actually taken from my bedroom window this morning. Our neighbors have a farm which attracts deer often enough for us to see them from our window one or two times a year (when we're paying attention). There were a couple there this morning. When we see them we usually exclaim "Oh, deer!" Yeah, clever.

So, it being ideal fall leaf enjoyment weather, Connie and I went for a ride up the canyon today. It was the epitome of the perfect day in the canyon. The slight breeze and not too cool, not too warm temperature, cloudless sky... all lended to an awesome time up Little Cottonwood canyon.

1 comment:

Brenna said...

Ahhhhhhh!!!! Sooo... Homesick!

Man I miss Little Cottonwood Canyon.

Thank you for the great pics. Miss you Cheryl!