"May you LIVE all the days of your life" - J. Swift

Friday, July 27, 2012

...And the Summer of Boating

"For as many times as we've been boating, we should be a ton better than we are."  -- Marinda

Dear Laura (and Jared): (Better, Lavern?):

Well, it's true.  We should be better than we are.  What can I say?  I recognize my cautious nature, and at the same time my desire to jump on a wakeboard.  So I cautiously jump, but I jump... every time I go now.  It's the landing upright part that I haven't gotten down yet.  Still, I've only come close to a concussion once.  I think I have it now... The headache I've had since Tuesday's ordeal hasn't been too consoling.  Worth it?  Yes.  It has been the funnest boating summer in many years.  Mainly because I have been invited to go so much more than in the past.  It's the wonderful blessing of now having two friends with boats.  I've been boating with Mike and Mer for years.  Love their boat, love their family, love being out with them.  So many good memories.

Now, Brad has been kind enough to invite me several times.  He is in the branch and a fantastic (and quite patient) captain and person.  

So, following are pics from the summer of boating.  

Mer, Constance, and me!
Me and my favorite little Utah guys
Happy times!

 Bradford taught me to drive the boat!!! :)  Big smile.  Too big.

 Will looking all relaxed and GQ

 Fire on the water group: July 14th

 I'm not sure on this one.  Your guess?  

Best tubing crash catch 

And back to Mer and Mike's boat.
Connie Wake Surfing... Looks pro, doesn't she?

Fishing, Mike?
 The Afro made it back to the boat

What an awesome family!  Thanks for the good summer times. :-)


Marinda said...

now you have to be double crazy this summer because you have another friend with a boat! i expect to hear all about your suicide runs!

David said...

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