My close friend and former roommate Melinda called me last weekend and invited me to go to the Jazz game with her. The owner of the company for which she works couldn't attend and passed his tickets on to her. I was pretty excited about it because really... I don't go to many of those, and I love watching the Jazz play! I met Melinda at the Delta Center (yes, I still call it that... call me old fashioned). We proceeded to the "W" section as directed on the tickets. I prepared to walk up the stairs as usual but to my delight I found that some fortunate people actually get to walk down the stairs to their seats. I was one of the fortunate ones on Saturday. Our seats ended up being on the 7th row and we were even lucky enough to sit on the cushioned chairs. The Jazz players appeared larger than life from that close... The description of "tall" changed for me that night. It was an awesome game. They played against the Kings and won. I could definitely get used to those seats, if only I had the opportunity.
This picture makes it look further away than it was.

I never mind seeing Korver up close and personal

And every once in a while it was just as much of a show to watch the Jazz bear do the tight rope walk up the banisters

So, yes... Melinda has covered Christmas and birthday gifts for me for life for her willingness to share her extra ticket with me. She's the best!
That is awesome! Tyson and I are definitely jealous of your awesome opportunity! Funny comment about Korver, by the way. I'm so glad that you had such a good time.
I once had a rich kid take me on a few dates to Jazz games... something like 3rd row. Just be aware that now you are spoiled. Your used to the oxygen, the faces (instead of tiny dots), and the smell of the boys.
Glad you got to go have fun!
I loved your post! You are so on top of things! I still haven't posted about the game. I am SO glad you were able to come. It was great hanging out with you!
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