"May you LIVE all the days of your life" - J. Swift

Friday, January 2, 2009


So, yeah... I go to work on Tuesday... It's a busy day. I'm worried about how I'm going to get everything done before I have to leave at 3:30. I open an e-mail at 9:30 from our president in our New York office and proceed to read about how everyone in our SLC office (that's me) is losing their jobs sometime within the next 2 months because they're closing the office and moving our work to the Dallas, TX office. Shocker. It blind-sided all 40 of us in our office. No forewarning or anything. Just an e-mail to give us the keys to the street. It felt pretty surreal the first couple days, but reality is now setting in... for better or worse. :) All in all, I feel pretty confident that things will work out for the best in the end. I'm grateful for my faith that the people in our office will be taken care of... I have a feeling that most if not all will be glad it happened (in time anyway). I worry for those with families or other rough economic situations. For me, I just have a mortgage... It may take sacrifices in some regards, but all will be well in time. I'm hoping by January 1st of 2010 I'll look back and say... "Hmmm. I'm actually glad that happened". Till then though... strange times. If anyone knows of any great jobs out there, I'm in the market.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Wow! Does Rocky still work with you too? Best of luck. You are amazing. I know you will find something new really soon!!