"May you LIVE all the days of your life" - J. Swift

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I have no pictures to document it, no testimonials to quote that confirm it, but I finally successfully landed my first jump on a wakeboard last Saturday. Now, let's not go into the details of how high it was (or wasn't)... Let's just glory in the fact that I jumped on the wakeboard. And now all I want to do is go wakeboarding again to get better at it, but alas': it's the end of the season and sadly isn't too likely to happen again this year. :(
Oh, but the other good news is I also went wake skating for the first time. All in all it was one of my favorite boat trips. The water was so smooth. Thanks Mer and Mike for being so generous with your boat.


Sean and Janet Eyring said...

I am thinking the grasshopper/Connie Bell story needs a posting of it's own, and not squirreled away in the comments on Dave's blog!

How are you anyway?

Mary Ann Carlile said...

Way to go! I am so jealous! It always happens that right when you are feeling your groove behind the boat, you have to stop cuz the season is over. Then it will take until the end of next summer to get it back! Now why don't we live in Florida?!

Cheryl said...

Hey Sean and Janet...I know, I'm getting used to the idea that the blog spot is best for just the simple short paragraphs of daily fun moments. I'll start sharing those moments. I'm glad you found the grasshopper story on Dave's though. That Connie Bell... she provides all sorts of entertainment.

By the way: I can't access anything but your profile these days... any chance you'd be willing to invite me to view your blog? I'll only use it for good.

Watson said...

Congrats! That is cool. I wish I could learn to jump. Maybe next year.