I think it was early 2005 when I created a list of 150 things I wanted to accomplish in the next 30 years... a sort of Bucket list, if you will, without having to insert the words "before I die". I've accomplished a small fraction at this point... I purchased a house, a scooter, ran a marathon, participated in a triathlon, and met a few smaller goals as well. I am in the process of/working on several others.
Last Saturday I was able to check off one of the 150: "Go on a hot air balloon ride". Connie and I headed up to Park City at 5:30 in the morning (I'd only do something that crazy to accomplish a goal like this). We dressed for the occasion in jeans and long sleeve shirts, sunglasses. We only forgot one item: a camera. I didn't even remember my phone that had the camera setting, but Connie had hers, so if we can figure out how to upload those to the computer I will add the pictures.
On a more serious note, the other item checked off wasn't intentional... kind of an inadvertant deal. Or, Maybe it was that my grandma just wanted to help me reach one more goal. The goal: Ride in a limo. I hope this doesn't come across in any disrespectful way, and it certainly wasn't what I had in mind when adding it to the list, but I rode in a limo on my way to the cemetery where my grandmother's grave was dedicated. What I appreciated and why I'd mention it here in what I treat as a journal of sorts, is the symbolism. My grandma aided me in accomplishing so much of what I've done in life: Encouraging me through grade school, sports and activities all growing up, helping me out in college, study abroad, my mission, buying and learning to play musical instruments and so many smaller things as well. My grandma helped me in every way she was able, to accomplish all I could. And this limo ride was just one more of the simple things along the way.
The funeral was Wednesday and was exactly how she wanted it, especially since she planned it herself, except that it went 15 minutes longer than the 55 minutes my grandma had scheduled (she said we could go to an hour if necessary). The rest of us didn't mind the extension though. And I know my grandma was pleased with the service. My aunt Val gave a perfect, creative sketch of my grandma's life. A close friend of our family's, Al Emery, shared some thoughts on her work life and other aspects... I wouldn't have changed a word. Val (my sister) and Alex (cousin) shared a tribute from the grandchildren that kept us all laughing and remembering, and maybe shedding a tear or two. Maybe. The funeral director declared that particular talk the best tribute he had seen in 17 years. It really was all perfect.
Val's husband Josh and my nephew Alex and Mike's girlfriend Kari weren't able to fly out for the services, and we missed them. But it was crazy to have just the original family home for a few days. Here we all are, and all dressed up at that... Miracle?